Schlagwort-Archive: Murph: The Protector 2013 dvdrip

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A documentary based on the honor, courage and commitment of Navy SEAL LT Michael P. Murphy, who gave his life for his men in 2005 and was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor in 2007.

Duration: 79 min
Genres: Documentary
Director: Scott Mactavish
Actors: Michael P. Murphy, John McElhone, Jeff Widenhofer

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I am convinced this Documentary will Forever Imprint many Children’s Minds and Vocations. In times where they watch so many movies where the bad are killed by the good or the good are murdered by the bad, Children, Teens, Adults are going to Witness how a SEAL, Lt Murphy, and his Brothers Showed the Only Example Worth Following : Showing Honour’s Path.

In times when we see too many corpses or bones on screen, we can See Heroes with their Strength or Weakness Achieving Mission ordered Best they can. The moment Lt Murphy chooses to set the Herders, or better said the dishonorable Horde Free, Defines the SEALS DNA : Honour First. It is also what makes Enemies secretly Envy they were Americans. But they will never say that of course.

For all mocking 237 years of US Navy Traditions, I am asking many here: would you have shot the herders in panic first and shed Crocodile humanitarian tears after? Most likely, this is what happens in war times. Here we have a Lt never Giving Up his Humane integrity in the name of his brothers survival. He spared the herders. He paid with his Life. That is what Impact Children. I know because this kind of man impacted my own childhood.

The music is heart breaking and when listening to the Fallen notes, I felt Lt Murphy and all the Fallen silently walking on my Spine as gentle leaves. Irish vibrant rhythms, melancholic crystal guitar sounds will make your Minds and Hearts truly feel what you would have Felt in Lt Murphy’s Boots. That Second where the Good Choice with Sacrifice Lifted the whole Navy Corps into Honour Sky. Those minutes where his brothers are in danger and Lt Murphy only able to Save them by Forgetting his wounds and letting His Protective Love be the Invincible Shield saving others.

Yes, this must be seen in schools instead of Kids or students being shown the worst of what man can do, they can watch what a single man can do while the Blood of Courage is infiltrating the tissues of a very ungrateful cruel earth. Far away from Sweet Home.

Times are Dark so Watch the Light of Hope displayed in this Documentary. Life is the Movie.

It is not as mesmerizing as Breaking Bad. It is mesmerizing enough to make me Wish to Become a Better Person.

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